What have we learned by deploying the world's largest Cisco SD-WAN deployment on a single technology platform?

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Region: Poland |  Industry: FMCG  |  Technology: CISCO SD-WAN

Region: Poland | Industry: FMCG | Technology: CISCO SD-WAN


The World's largest SD-WAN

In 2023, Trecom has successfully carried out the world’s largest deployment of Cisco SD-WAN on a single technology platform, covering more than 10,000 stores of Poland’s leading chain of convenience stores, Żabka.

To address the shortage of skilled professionals and ensure rapid deployment (250 locations per day), our engineers developed a proprietary application for SD-WAN device installation.

Using the application, we connected SD-WAN Cisco with SAP and SalesForce business systems, as well as the Power BI environment, to provide Żabka with acces to crucial data about their store network.



By reading the case study, you will learn:

The process and criteria for selecting a technology provider



The process of implementing an SD-WAN network in a large organization

Key elements of SD-WAN for large organizations, such as the Żabka Group

The unique methodology for implementing Cisco SD-WAN networks developed and used by Trecom










Żabka is Poland’s fastest-growing comprehensive convenience ecosystem, with more than 10,000 franchised stores. Żabka opens up to 1000 new stores per year. Nearly 3 million customers use its services daily. One of the factors that sets the company apart is its use of innovative technologies both internally, as well as with its franchisees and customers.

However, Żabka’s impressive growth rate has stretched its wide area network (WAN) much too thin. The company’s VPN could handle approximately 10,000 connections and would soon exceed its capacity.

In addition, the chain’s dynamic growth and business model - ‘always close’ to its customers - means it has to work with numerous local telecommunications operators. At its peak, Żabka stores used 300 different Internet service providers. 

For this reason, it has been difficult to create a standardized model for Internet access across the franchise. This posed a considerable challenge, as one of the elements which has allowed Żabka to achieve operational excellence is its consistent, unified services – including digital services. 

The solution proposed by us was to implement an SD-WAN network based on Cisco devices.

Deployment in numbers




What is SD-WAN?


Software Defined – Wide Area Network (SD-WAN) is a software-controlled corporate network solution that enables direct connectivity between devices and services available on the Internet and in the cloud.


The main advantages of Cisco SD-WAN are:


Possibility of interaction and integration with systems and applications - SD-WAN becomes a source of information and a optimization tool



Reduction of maintenance and support costs through automation and centralization



Reduction of risk management costs by minimizing human errors (95% of failures)




Integration with key services of modern IT: public clouds, security systems




Ease of  configuration with the Trecom application





This case study is for you if:


You are considering transitioning your network form MPLS to SD-WAN and are looking for arguments in favor of such a solutions


You work in the IT departament of large-scale or multi-branch company


You are seeking arguments that will justify the need for implementing a SD-WAN network in your organization


You want to impress others with the latest trends in the IT industry

Download the document and discover details of the world's largest Cisco SD-WAN deployment on a single technology platform. 













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